BA2 1 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

BA2 1 is a postcode sector in Bath and North East Somerset, UK. Below is a complete list of BA2 1 Postcodes (Active). BA2 1 postcode sector comprises of 231 active postcodes. BA2 1 sector has a population of 12402, and it has 5172 properties in the region.

Browse Information On BA2 1 postcode sector

BA2 1 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 12402
Addresses / Property Count 5172
Active Postcodes 231
Nearby Postcode Districts 18
Nearby Postcode Sectors 9

View Map Of BA2 1 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 231 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
BA2 1AA 51.37593200 -2.38229100 9 41 373488 164167
BA2 1AB 51.37585700 -2.38342500 6 18 373409 164159
BA2 1AD 51.37547500 -2.38373700 4 9 373387 164117
BA2 1AE 51.37488700 -2.38302900 35 106 373436 164051
BA2 1AF 51.37328300 -2.38124900 N/A N/A 373559 163872
BA2 1AG 51.37485200 -2.38258400 27 71 373467 164047
BA2 1AH 51.37214100 -2.38586400 2 2 373237 163747
BA2 1AJ 51.37302800 -2.38515400 34 86 373287 163845
BA2 1AL 51.37316100 -2.38555800 29 82 373259 163860
BA2 1AN 51.37119600 -2.38712100 28 76 373149 163642
BA2 1AP 51.37288700 -2.38687700 32 78 373167 163830
BA2 1AQ 51.37488100 -2.38482500 32 84 373311 164051
BA2 1AR 51.37349100 -2.38630700 14 31 373207 163897
BA2 1AS 51.37568600 -2.38596700 26 68 373232 164141
BA2 1AT 51.37569400 -2.38534800 30 99 373275 164142
BA2 1AU 51.37429100 -2.38388600 3 8 373376 163985
BA2 1AW 51.37079200 -2.38681600 31 97 373170 163597
BA2 1AX 51.37464900 -2.38581300 18 55 373242 164026
BA2 1AY 51.37582500 -2.38767800 35 141 373113 164157
BA2 1AZ 51.38102400 -2.39230500 N/A N/A 372794 164737
BA2 1BA 51.37400300 -2.38379800 26 77 373382 163953
BA2 1BB 51.37435600 -2.38586900 25 65 373238 163993
BA2 1BD 51.37581400 -2.38808000 1 2 373085 164156
BA2 1BE 51.37960100 -2.38759500 9 25 373121 164577
BA2 1BG 51.37915900 -2.38720200 15 33 373148 164528
BA2 1BH 51.37915000 -2.38816600 1 4 373081 164527
BA2 1BJ 51.37878800 -2.38623700 65 144 373215 164486
BA2 1BL 51.38035500 -2.39355000 17 42 372707 164663
BA2 1BN 51.37590000 -2.38675900 10 19 373177 164165
BA2 1BP 51.37972300 -2.38883100 21 47 373035 164591
BA2 1BQ 51.37815200 -2.38828600 33 109 373072 164416
BA2 1BR 51.37906300 -2.38988900 49 107 372961 164518
BA2 1BS 51.37873800 -2.38923900 33 91 373006 164482
BA2 1BT 51.37820200 -2.38936400 39 85 372997 164422
BA2 1BU 51.37971200 -2.38940600 24 46 372995 164590
BA2 1BW 51.37949700 -2.38928900 36 77 373003 164566
BA2 1BX 51.37419100 -2.38668700 5 10 373181 163975
BA2 1BY 51.37997300 -2.39120300 21 33 372870 164620
BA2 1BZ 51.37996000 -2.39238100 25 49 372788 164619
BA2 1DA 51.37977000 -2.39353000 17 35 372708 164598
BA2 1DB 51.37976300 -2.39467900 31 62 372628 164598
BA2 1DD 51.38068800 -2.39613900 13 43 372527 164701
BA2 1DE 51.38006800 -2.39594700 13 21 372540 164632
BA2 1DF 51.38047500 -2.39686900 27 31 372476 164678
BA2 1DG 51.38054600 -2.39539000 30 65 372579 164685
BA2 1DH 51.38019500 -2.39297300 4 12 372747 164645
BA2 1DJ 51.37871800 -2.39632300 17 20 372513 164482
BA2 1DL 51.38151700 -2.39828700 19 44 372378 164794
BA2 1DN 51.37995500 -2.39653400 12 14 372499 164620
BA2 1DP 51.38007600 -2.39890700 11 13 372334 164634
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